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Heading Common Module

How to configure the Heading common module for POWER Pro theme in HubSpot



Add a heading to a custom layout using the drag and drop editor in HubSpot.



Where can the Heading styles be updated?

All of the headings (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6) can be configured globally in Theme Settings under Fonts, then Formatting.

Module Options

The Heading module can be used in the drag-and-drop editor to create custom section layouts.

Helpful Links: Settings for Theme Styles

Heading Content

Add the text for the heading here.


Heading Level

Choice of H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, or H6.

Styles → Visibility

Option to Show or Hide on this breakpoint (based on desktop or mobile toggle selection).


Styles → Alignment and spacing

Option to configure the padding for the Top, Left, Right, and Bottom of the module, and the margin for the Top and Bottom.


The padding and margin can be configured independently for the desktop and mobile breakpoints. Checking the box "Apply to all sides" will apply the same settings to all breakpoints and sides.

Styles → Typography

Option to overwrite the theme settings for the selected heading type. The changes will only apply to this instance of the heading module.


Only the Common Fonts are available in this dropdown. Once you change the dropdown from your default theme font (i.e. Inter) to a common font, it can't be reselected without using the undo option. 

⚠️ We recommend not making changes to these settings to allow the Theme Settings for the corresponding header to take priority and keep your heading styles consistent.

Styles → Background

Add a Hex value for the desired background color or use the color picker to choose a color.


Styles → Border

Option to add a border to the Heading module, this applies to all four sides to create a boxed outline.




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