How to remove HubSpot tracking code from non-CTA buttons? (Pre V38)

Add the only track HubSpot CTAs script to the site header HTML for the corresponding domain(s)

In POWER Pro theme, the button class used when we initially developed the theme overlaps with the ID used by HubSpot CTAs and due to recent changes with CTAs in HubSpot, this has caused non-CTA buttons to contain the HS tracking parameters.

HubSpot has implemented a solution that allows only CTA buttons to retain the tracking code, blocking it from being added to non-CTA buttons.

This code needs to be added to the Site Header HTML if you want to limit to a specific domain:

<!-- Start - Tell HS to not attach tracking parameters to non CTA links -->
window._hsOnlyTrackHubspotCTAS = true;
<!-- End - Tell HS to not attach tracking parameters to non CTA links -->

or you can add to your child.js file in your child theme:

<!-- Start - Tell HS to not attach tracking parameters to non CTA links -->
window._hsOnlyTrackHubspotCTAS = true;
<!-- End - Tell HS to not attach tracking parameters to non CTA links -->

If you have cross-domain linking enabled in your HubSpot settings, we recommend testing to verify that you aren't losing desired functionality.

Due to the status of Legacy CTAs in HubSpot, we will continue to monitor this issue closely to determine whether there is a viable solution that can be implemented directly in the theme.