Sec Testimonials
How to configure the POWER Sec Testimonial
Page Speed Impact
Setup Instructions
Module Options
Page Speed Impact

Medium - The testimonial module requires additional javascript elements so will require more resources on page load.
Exceptions - Additional impact if images, videos and other content are added to the testimonial. The sliders on your module will add additional code will impact your page speed.
Take a look at our performance guide to get your website running its best!
Setup Instructions
How to Set Up the POWER Testimonials Module
Content → PWR Sec Testimonials
The POWER Testimonials module is designed to help you display your business' success in a beautiful and easy to read way. Use this to show off your happy customers and proudly display your success on your website!
Module Options
These settings are available for the POWER sec testimonials o module.
Building the Testimonials Module
Intro To Title
A small piece of text to display before your module's title.
This will set the main title of your module.
Title - Header Type
This will set the HTML markup of your header (h1, h2, h3 etc) and by default it will style your header based on your theme settings. You can set the header here with a different styling through your module's style settings if you wish.
A brief description of the information you will place within your logo content sections.
Add or edit testimonials to be displayed within your module.
Testimonial → Name
The name of the author of your testimonial.
Testimonial → Job Title
Add a job title for the author of your testimonial.
Testimonial → Avatar
Upload an image to reprisent your testiominal.
Testimonial → Quote
Add the quote from your testimonial into this section to be displayed.
Testimonial → Animation
Choose an animation to fade your content into your page with.
Slider Settings
Choose to autoplay your slider, add navigation arrows and add navigation bullets.
Slider → Loop
Disable the constant loop of content in your slider. If enabled the slider will loop and start again after the last slide. If enabled this will create multiple versions of your content within the HTML of your page which might be flagged within some SEO tools.
Layout → Choose Layout
Choice between One by one (display each testimonial individually) with 2 different style options, Multiple (show multiple testimonials at once and two or three column listings (display testimonials in columns or two or three).
Layout → Filter Layout
Choose which type of filter you want to display to help visitors filter your testimonials. Note: This option is only available to 2 or 3 column listing layouts.
Layout → Intro content centered
Center the content outlined as your intro content.
Layout → Boxed Section
This will set your module to have a boxed section layout, offering some additional options in the positioning of your module. For more information on boxed sections see our boxed sections article.
Layout → Margin Top/Bottom
Add additional margins to the top and bottom of your modules. Margins Left & Right will be depending on your boxed sections and previously set layout options.
Layout → Show more
If enabled this will hide a portion of your content (depending on screen size) and display a "show more" button for visitors to click to display the rest of the content.
Styling your testimonial module
Style → Color Scheme
Choose between your light and dark color scheme defined in your theme settings.
Style → Intro Title Size - Text
Choose between default (inherited from your theme settings), a specific color, or create your own gradient.
Style → Intro Title Size - Background
Choose between default (inherited from your theme settings), a specific color, or create your own gradient.
Style → Title Size
Set the style from your theme settings that your title will inherit. This will not affect the HTML markup of your title so will not affect any SEO on your title. This will just cause the title to inherit the styles for this title set out within your theme settings.
Style → Title Style
Choose between default (inherited from your theme settings), a specific color, or create your own gradient.
Style → Intro Title Size - Text
Choose between default (inherited from your theme settings), a specific color, or create your own gradient.
Style → Overwrite Box Colors
Enable to overwrite the color of the boxes within your module. By default these boxes will use your theme settings colors. NOTE: this is only available for the layout "multiple".
Style → Section Shadow
Add a shadow box to your hero module to create a 3d effect.
Style → Background
Overwrite the default background with a custom colour, image or video for your hero module.
Style → Horizontal Content Fade
Enable an additional fade animation to gradually fade out the left and right sides of your content.
Style → Shape Divider
Set a specific shape to be used between the divide of this module and your next one.
Control the animations of your module, for more information see the website animation article.
Standard Text/Translation
Set the text for your filter text (if a filter is used). This will be "all" by default.
Anchor Link ID/Custom Class
Set a specific anchor link for this module or a custom class to target this module within your child.css stylessheet.